Wise Farm stocks a wide selection of spare parts for your equipment or vehicle.
Please call us directly or simply order parts online by filling in the form and we'll contact you as soon as possible.
New Holland Original Parts
New Holland Original Parts are the only parts that fully meet the quality requirements essential for the cost-effective operation of your New Holland machine. This is because the engineers who design those parts and supervise their production are the same people who are responsible for developing our products. So, they know exactly what’s right for your machine. Demand New Holland Original Parts to ensure:
- Original quality
- Extended machine life
- Reduced downtime
- Enhanced equipment resale value
Original Parts make all the difference.
From the beginnig, New Holland lauched a partnership with Petronas Lubrificant International, acknowledging this specialist's expertise know worldwide in lubrificants and operating fluids for agriculture machines.
Under the “Ambra” brand, Petronas Lubricants International has designed optimal lubricants and operating fluids dedicated to New Holland products.
Ambra is the only range covered by New Holland homologation, which means:
- that it is mentioned in the technical specifications appearing on all product packaging;
- that it is recommended in user's and maintenance manuals as well as on the bonnet labels of all New Holland agricultural machines
Among the Ambra range comprises all the types of specific lubricants and operating fluids from engine oils to transmission oils, hydraulic oils to brake oils, greases and protective fluids for radiators as well as high technology advanced products including:
- Ambra Mastergold HSP (engine oil)
- Ambra Mastertran and Ambra Multi G (gear oils)
Next Generation Parts Catalogue - NGPC
Access New Holland’s Next Generation Parts Catalogue (NGPC) and:
- Find New Holland original parts - the only parts that fully meet the quality requirements essential for the cost-effective operation of your New Holland machine
- Search for products before consulting with your local New Holland dealer
- Look up parts in down time and while on the go, as the NGPC is open 24/7!